Tori's Corner

Project Title

Low-Level Programming language implemented in Python.

This project is available on Github


Petl is a compiled, low-level, stack-based programming language. It is not designed to be used in any production environment, but is instead intended to be a hobbyist project to advance my knowledge of assembly code and compilers. While the compiler is written in Python, it is my intention to make the language self-hosted.


This project was born from a severe amount of boredom one day. Stuck for ideas, I decided it would be a fun project to undertake. Several weeks later, and the language is finally ready to be shared with the world. Please do not expect much of this language - I'm not trying to write the next Rust or anything.


Due to the lack of external libraries in this project, only 4 things are required to compile and run Petl code:

Project Goals

In order to guide the development process of Petl, I have set the following goals for myself:
  1. No use of external Python Libraries -- COMPLETED
  2. Code compiling straight to Assembly Language, with no IR -- COMPLETED
  3. Compatability with libc functions such as printf -- COMPLETED
  4. Static and explicit typing with user-defined data structures -- COMPLETED
  5. Rigorous type checking -- IN PROGRESS
  6. Garbage Collection -- NOT STARTED
  7. Self-Hosted Compiler -- IN PROGRESS
  8. Syntax documentation and example programs -- NOT STARTED, HIGH PRIORITY

How does it work?

The process of Compiler development is a huge rabit hole that has an entire field of Computer Science dedicated to it. For the implementation of Petl, I have implemented the minimum compiler pipeline to convert source code to executable machine code. It is best described with the following diagram:
The Lexer first converts the source code into a list of tokens - objects representing a small part of a program such as a bracket or a number. This puts the code into a format that is easier to work with and manipulate.
After this, the Parser moves through the list of token, building a tree to represent the syntax of the code - creating an Abstract Syntax Tree.
This tree is then passed to the Assembly Code Emitter, which recursively flattens the tree into raw assembly code, which is saved to a file that can then be assembled and linked into an executable file.